Whether it’s a construction site, an automobile factory, or even an office job, employees can suffer injuries in all types of workplaces. To help cut down on missed workdays, employers and employees should remember these helpful tips to help prevent injury while on the job.

Dress appropriately — Wearing the right clothing, eye-wear, and footwear can go a long way. Doing so will help to prevent burns, sprained ankles, and eye injuries.

Remove hazards — Clearing unwanted clutter away from heavily traveled areas, taking necessary precautions when beginning a project or task, and removing distractions from the job site are all successful attempts to reduce hazards on the job site.

Follow instructions — Placing hands or other extremities where they shouldn't belong can lead to serious injury. Keeping instructions and warning signs easily visible for workers to see is one necessary step to take toward preventing serious injuries from occurring.

Take breaks when needed — Overexertion can be the number one cause of injury in outdoor workplaces, such as a construction site. Taking breaks will help to avoid heat exhaustion and fatigue. Most injuries that occur on a job site are the result of an accident.

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